Oct 27, 2008

Football is over Yeah!!

It was Cole's first year playing real football and by real I mean he wore pads and a helmet, he had played flag football last year. Well let's just say this year left much to be desired, they did not win a game not one single game. I think they only score 3 touchdowns. Cole did not seem to mind that they were so bad. I asked him last night if he was going to play again and he says yeah, I had alot of fun. (His idea of fun and mine have never been the same)

The Harmon's

Oct 16, 2008

15 things I love about my Husband of 15 years

1. He loves me no matter what.
2. He is the best Dad.
3. He makes me laugh.
4. He can fix anything around the house if you ask him a million times.
5. He loves Tyler and Taylor my nephew and niece as if they were his.
6. He paints my toenails ( and speaks Vietnamese while he is painting)
7. He decorates the outside of the house for every holiday.
8. He helps Cole with his homework.
9. He does not take himself to serious.
10. He gets Cole up and on the bus every morning since I'am on a bus somewhere in Cobb County.
11. He buys me what I ask for on special occasions, does not guess what I might want just buys what he is told.
12. He can dance and will even do it in public.
13. He will do things and go places with me even if he does not want to go.
14. Cleans house about once a month (my mom and I call him Hazel when it happens)
15. For putting up with be now for a total of 20 years.

The Harmon's

Oct 9, 2008

This is for all of you that say :

1. They look just alike.
2. They look like Mark.

Ha Ha I don't think so.

The Harmon's

Harmon Look-alike Meter

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Harmon Look-alike Meter

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