Dec 30, 2008

Some of my favorite presents

My nephew Tyler gave us this pic.

Lea-Ann and Steven suprised us all with this lovely item

These are some of my favorite things I got for Christmas

The Harmon's

Dec 26, 2008

Cole got some Bakugan

Carson got a big boy bed!

Hey dude you want to ride on my new bike.

Our Chirstmas tree

My sweet boys on Christmas Eve

Christmas 2008

Here are some pictures from the big day.

The Harmon's

Dec 6, 2008

Breakfast with Santa 2008

This morning was breakfast with Santa at Cole's school. It was so much better this year since Carson has decided that Santa is cool. He also enjoyed doing the little crafts that they have set up. They had a magician there and Cole was picked out of the crowd to help with a trick he really enjoyed doing that. This is always a great way to start off the Holiday season.

The Harmon's

Dec 1, 2008

It has been a long 7 Years but guess what ?

$260 Our part of renting the cabin in Pigeon Forge.
$200 Spent at the Outlet Mall at Midnight.
Jackets beating the Dawgs.

The Harmon's

Nov 20, 2008

Turkey in the Straw

Do you ever look at your kids and think where did he come from.

Cole had his school chorus performance the other night (below is a video of his debut). Keep in mind you had to raise your hand and pick what parts you try out for, Cole decided on his own that he would try out for the Turkey part and the folk dancing part. He really wanted to be the Turkey but instead he was picked to dance. This is where my first sentence comes into play, I can speak for myself and Mark that when we were Eight years old neither one of us would have raised our hands for either one of these parts. Not to mention doing either part in front of a gym full of parents one night and then the next day in front of the whole school. I look at Cole sometimes and wish I had his confidence at that age, don't get me wrong the older I get the more I care less what people think of me, but I will admit at Eight years old I cared and would have never danced in front of a crowd. But not Cole he danced like it was nothing and enjoyed doing it, also keep in mind only one other boy choose to dance. I hope Cole keeps the spirit he has now and never changes, he is an inspiration to me everyday.

Tried to download the video several times and it did not work. (Sorry)

The Harmon's

Nov 13, 2008

Santa is ok this year

If I had a decent picture of Carson with Santa I would upload one, but he has never even came close to getting his picture made with him without a total melt down. But this year actually yesterday guess who sat in Santa's lap and told him he wanted a baseball bat. Yep that's right my little man, I had faith this would be the year so I sent him in a cute little outfit. They said he was still a little suspicious of him but did it and smiled like the cutie he is. ( I'll upload the picture as soon as I get one)

The Harmon's

Nov 8, 2008

This sounds like a great idea and fun. I'm in ya'll join in also.

The Harmon's

Nov 4, 2008

Do we look Happy or what
Go Jackets!!!!!

Cole taking a breathing treatment at the tailgate.

That's are 1 Tech tent on the right.

Finally we beat this Noels !
We have been friends with some Noels fans for a very long time and my nephew somehow even though he was raised as a Jacket, became a Seminole fan in middle school. On Saturday it was great to be a Yellow Jacket. Here are some photos of the tailgate and of the game.
The Harmon's

Halloween 2008

Or as Cole calls it worst Halloween ever. He was sick which is why I do not have a picture of him in full costume, but Carson was really into it this year he is at the age were he understood the whole getting candy thing. We went to our church for a little while, then back to the neighborhood. Since Cole was not well we were done by 8:00 p.m.

The Harmon's

Oct 27, 2008

Football is over Yeah!!

It was Cole's first year playing real football and by real I mean he wore pads and a helmet, he had played flag football last year. Well let's just say this year left much to be desired, they did not win a game not one single game. I think they only score 3 touchdowns. Cole did not seem to mind that they were so bad. I asked him last night if he was going to play again and he says yeah, I had alot of fun. (His idea of fun and mine have never been the same)

The Harmon's

Oct 16, 2008

15 things I love about my Husband of 15 years

1. He loves me no matter what.
2. He is the best Dad.
3. He makes me laugh.
4. He can fix anything around the house if you ask him a million times.
5. He loves Tyler and Taylor my nephew and niece as if they were his.
6. He paints my toenails ( and speaks Vietnamese while he is painting)
7. He decorates the outside of the house for every holiday.
8. He helps Cole with his homework.
9. He does not take himself to serious.
10. He gets Cole up and on the bus every morning since I'am on a bus somewhere in Cobb County.
11. He buys me what I ask for on special occasions, does not guess what I might want just buys what he is told.
12. He can dance and will even do it in public.
13. He will do things and go places with me even if he does not want to go.
14. Cleans house about once a month (my mom and I call him Hazel when it happens)
15. For putting up with be now for a total of 20 years.

The Harmon's

Oct 9, 2008

This is for all of you that say :

1. They look just alike.
2. They look like Mark.

Ha Ha I don't think so.

The Harmon's

Harmon Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Look-alike Meter - Family reunion - Family photos

Harmon Look-alike Meter

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

Sep 25, 2008

My husband thinks it is amazing that are 2 1/2 year old is riding
his 8 year old brothers 4- wheeler. Mark says most 2 1/2 year old
could not do that and I say most parents would not let them ride in the first place.

The Harmon's

Sep 23, 2008

Check out this blog
Let her know I sent you and we can both win this fantastic giveaway.
The Harmon's

Sep 22, 2008

O.k so it has been a while.(thanks for pointing that out Tiffany) I just started this blogging thing when school started back.Cole is playing football which means that is your life 4 days a week. Even though I do not go to every practice, his Dad chooses to do that, I stay at home and get Carson in bed at 7:30 since he gets up with me at 5:45 A.M. (That is how we bus drivers roll) Also I have turned into Rachel Ray since football because basically we have 1 hour from the time we walk in the door till it is time to get Cole to practice, So those 30 min meals are working the magic for now.

I will try to get better at my updates even thought it is mostly family that reads this and they know how busy we are.

The Harmon's

Aug 13, 2008

Hump Day

Is it me or has this been a long week already.
The Bus is not has hot as it could be this time of year but the kids seem to be louder earlier than normal.
Carson did not cry the first day back to daycare but broke down yesterday, did better this morning.
Cole is still on summer break but his days are numbered, plus he is busy enough with football practice.
We had tonight off but went to my niece Taylor's softball game. Go Hornet's they won. Two more day's till Friday that seems so far away.

The Harmon's

Aug 10, 2008

Back to School tomorrow for me and Carson. I'm actually excited , Carson is not he is not ready to go back to daycare. This will be his last year since my Mom retires next year and will be watching him. (Yeah!!!) Cole has another week, this is the first time that Cobb County has gone back before Paulding County, not sure if I like this or not will let you know later.

The Harmon's

Jul 24, 2008

Under Construction

The Harmon's