Sep 25, 2008

My husband thinks it is amazing that are 2 1/2 year old is riding
his 8 year old brothers 4- wheeler. Mark says most 2 1/2 year old
could not do that and I say most parents would not let them ride in the first place.

The Harmon's

Sep 23, 2008

Check out this blog
Let her know I sent you and we can both win this fantastic giveaway.
The Harmon's

Sep 22, 2008

O.k so it has been a while.(thanks for pointing that out Tiffany) I just started this blogging thing when school started back.Cole is playing football which means that is your life 4 days a week. Even though I do not go to every practice, his Dad chooses to do that, I stay at home and get Carson in bed at 7:30 since he gets up with me at 5:45 A.M. (That is how we bus drivers roll) Also I have turned into Rachel Ray since football because basically we have 1 hour from the time we walk in the door till it is time to get Cole to practice, So those 30 min meals are working the magic for now.

I will try to get better at my updates even thought it is mostly family that reads this and they know how busy we are.

The Harmon's