Nov 13, 2008

Santa is ok this year

If I had a decent picture of Carson with Santa I would upload one, but he has never even came close to getting his picture made with him without a total melt down. But this year actually yesterday guess who sat in Santa's lap and told him he wanted a baseball bat. Yep that's right my little man, I had faith this would be the year so I sent him in a cute little outfit. They said he was still a little suspicious of him but did it and smiled like the cutie he is. ( I'll upload the picture as soon as I get one)

The Harmon's


Anonymous said...

Brandon decided to coach. He called and they still needed 3 coaches for the boys age group.

Anonymous said...

You know how lucky you are, Amanda? I have one good picture of Alicia with Santa, when she was one month old. The rest are either screaming, crying or looking like she is about to bolt.

I am so glad lil Carson decided to like the old man.

Enjoy your day!