Feb 23, 2009

Watching to much Idol

This is the song Carson would sing if he was on Idol.
(without his Dad in the background)



Feb 22, 2009

Happy Brithday Sugar Bear

My niece Taylor is 17 today.

I know I spelled Birthday wrong but that is an inside joke I have with her.

17 reasons I love this girl

1. She drives my sister crazy and I get pleasure from this.
2. She is silly.
3. She does anything I ask of her 70% of the time.(another inside joke)
4. She loves the Yellow Jackets. ( not a trader like Tyler)
5. I loved to watch her play Softball.
6. She has more purses than me and sometimes gives them to me when she is done.
7. She will go out without make up (this she gets from me)
8. She answers her phone when I call her.
9. She is the tallest in our family so far.
10. She is funny.
11. She is a pro at texting.
12. Beannie Baby Christmas 1999. (funniest Christmas ever)
13. She works hard on her grades.
14. She can take her uncle Mark's relentless pestering .
15. She has the best school spirit.
16. She wants to be a nurse which will be useful when I'm old and grey.
17. Last but not least because when she was little I would sing this song and she thought it was hillarious.

She's my sugar bear with sugar hair she just rolls and rolls all day.

Love Ya Taylor

Aunt Amanda

Feb 17, 2009

I need this shirt

Most days I could wear this shirt

Does not show up good on the blog
but it says:
Who are these kids and why are they calling me MOM.


Feb 14, 2009

On to the next sport

Well, today was Cole's last basketball game and we lost for the first time all season. We had a great season besides a few questionable referees and the rules being a little strange for 8-9 year old. First of all why are you not keeping score at this age, at some point kids need to learn how to be a good loser and a good winner. Of course we keep up with score because Cole wants to know if his team won or not. I remember growing up and from the start you either won the game or you lost the game it was not that big of deal because eventually everybody wins and everybody loses at some point. The other thing was there was no foul shots and they did not keep up with fouls, so the best defense was to foul which is not a good habit to start.

Well, has you can see from my new background we are on to my favorite sport Baseball. We have already had a couple of practices and we look pretty good. This is our first year in kid pitch so that should be interesting. Cole loves all sports, his favorite is which ever one he is playing at the minute. Not me baseball is my favorite.


Feb 10, 2009

My Mama's B-day

Happy Birthday to my Mama

The big 62

This will be a great year for her. She is going to retire and keep the sweetest kids on earth, at least that is what I'm telling her now since she is going to be keeping my kids. She will find out soon enough that the sweetest description is not always true.

Just kidding, she lives with me and knows well enough what she is getting into, which might be why she keeps telling me she hopes she is doing the right thing. (ha ha)

For those who do not know me I'm the biggest Mama's girl, ever since I was little and now into my Thirty's I talk to my Mom everyday even before, when she did not live with us. I love her more than anything and she is one of my best friends.

Love Ya Mama

(your favorite daughter) sh sh we want tell Lea-Ann


Feb 5, 2009

Nine Years Old

I can't believe that I have a nine year old.

Yep, this time nine years ago today I had a little baby boy. He had a few problems when he was born, but you would never know it now. So in honor of my oldest child, here are nine things I love the most about Cole Scott Harmon.

1. Those baby blue eyes.

2. You are never at a lost for words.

3. That you make me laugh everyday, you are one of the funniest people I know.

4. You have never met a stranger.

5. You dance like no one is watching. ( maybe not such a good thing sometimes Ha Ha)

6. You tell me you love me the most even though some days I know your Dad is your favorite.

7. You take care of your brother and even will wipe his butt if I'm busy.

8. You love and respect your grandparents, cousins, aunts, and uncles.

9. Most of all your my oldest son,you hold a special place in my heart, I will never forget the day you were born it was the first day of the rest of my life and it has been the best days since.

Love Ya


Feb 3, 2009

My friend Tiffany tagged me...and I thought this would be fun.

So, here's what you do:

1. Go to your 4th folder where you store your photos.

2. Select the 4th photo (no exceptions).

3. Post the picture with an explanation.

4. Tag 4 people to do the same.

This is Mark and Carson doing what they both love the most about spring and summer, cutting grass almost every week. Carson loves it so much that Mark sometimes puts the blade up and they just ride around the yard.

The Harmon's

Feb 1, 2009

Loved Twilight can't believe I waited so long to get on the bandwagon. Guess what I bought at Wally World yesterday.

The Harmon's