Aug 13, 2008

Hump Day

Is it me or has this been a long week already.
The Bus is not has hot as it could be this time of year but the kids seem to be louder earlier than normal.
Carson did not cry the first day back to daycare but broke down yesterday, did better this morning.
Cole is still on summer break but his days are numbered, plus he is busy enough with football practice.
We had tonight off but went to my niece Taylor's softball game. Go Hornet's they won. Two more day's till Friday that seems so far away.

The Harmon's

Aug 10, 2008

Back to School tomorrow for me and Carson. I'm actually excited , Carson is not he is not ready to go back to daycare. This will be his last year since my Mom retires next year and will be watching him. (Yeah!!!) Cole has another week, this is the first time that Cobb County has gone back before Paulding County, not sure if I like this or not will let you know later.

The Harmon's